Easy work on the figure

 You will not take your time with losing weight and just want to keep yourself in shape? Then this diet plan - for you. Six weeks - and you're easily wear old jeans and a short skirt reveal your light slender legs! Diet plan rather prost.Glavnoe - you have to give up all sweet and fatty. First, it may be difficult to resist, so as not to intercept the bun or chips. But over time you get used to replace these products, such as fruit, and you do not even want to eat something that is so harmful to the figure.

And you will always be in good shape and in a good mood!

The first week - the beginning.
It is not necessary to limit yourself all at once. Do it gradually. During the first week you have to get used to the fact that in time will have to eat anyway.

Naturally, in the first place, as has been said, try to give up sweet and fatty. Snack apple or carrot is better - it's tasty, and useful, and will deliver you from the desire to chew on something else. If you feel in the evening that day still eat too much, then bedtime go for a jog or even a walk.

Advice. Change the white bread in the black, eat five servings a day of fruits and vegetables, drink a day for at least two liters of water.

Second week - shopping.

Shopping trips - is not only a great way to relieve stress, improve mood and update your wardrobe. While you will be engaged in shopping, you can burn 200 calories, so now stores become another important and useful value! Stop the choice on short skirts and dresses, and you simply conscience will not allow to run at the sight of a figure new things.

Advice. In order not to get tired, you need to eat that gives energy. Include in the diet of bananas, wholemeal bread (make a toast with peanut butter). Limit intake of food after 18.00.

Third week - Avoid bars.

At this stage it is very important to learn to give up alcohol. Even if you do during the day good practice by hearty, but not calorie eat, the evening in the pub with friends can ruin all the efforts.
If you do not want to fend off the team, make the bar juice, mineral water or tonic with ice.

Advice. To convince yourself to give up alcohol, imagine: you drink a glass of white wine ... And it 150 calories! To burn them, you will need 30 minutes of aerobics. So again, think before you order alcoholic beverages.

Fourth week - try new.

Bored with jogging and walking? It's time to look for activities that will be fun and not to direct you melancholy. See what you can offer the adjacent sports clubs. You may like tennis, basketball or football! Particularly refined natures recommended dances.

Advice. Walk as much as possible! 10,000 steps a day will relieve you of 500 extra calories. Therefore, the move to public transport, walk better. Or, to take a walk, go to a stop earlier.

Fifth week - energizes the morning.

Charging - a very important procedure to start the day. Fulfilling every morning as charging abdominal exercises and squats, you will not only cheer up quickly, but also great corrects figure.
You should not overwork if hard to do long series of exercises - Take short. And that was not boring at all, do the exercises in front of a TV, radio or your favorite disc.

Advice. Reduce your intake of salt! It infests the body. The less salt you consume, the more quickly the body will be cleaned.

Sixth week - look at the result.

So, for six weeks if you follow up eating, and regularly exercised, must be a change in your figure.

Keep it up! As a result - you eat fruits and vegetables, low-fat diet, do not drink alcohol and get pleasure from the sport you selected. Note that you changed gradually and you do not seem that it required enormous effort.

Advice. For such a wonderful result can be pampered. Make berry salad and season with its low-fat yogurt.


Tags: figure